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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

4 high-sugar fruits People with diabetes, cardiovascular disease

4 high-sugar fruits People with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and those losing weight should avoid it. Who said eating only fruits will help you lose weight? Because some types of fruit have more sugar than other foods. And if you eat a lot It might high-sugar fruits make you fat

“Eyelid twitching” is a warning sign of serious disease.

“Eyelid twitching” is a warning sign of serious disease. Eye twitching, right is bad, left is good. It may not just be an omen of luck. But it could be an important  health warning sign. The condition of the eyes closing tightly and the eyelids twitching, many people think

What are varicose veins? Symptoms, treatment and prevention.

What are varicose veins? Symptoms, treatment and prevention. What is varicose veins? Dr. Anita Nittiranon A doctor specializing in skin and laser treatment at Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital stated that is a condition where the veins near the skin layer expand abnormally. until visible as a line resembling